the Zoo, 1m40s, 2018/2019 Animated-short about my first visit to the zoo. Made with Unity, Blender, After Effects Mankind, 1m56s, 2017 A bunch of naked Bodies floating in Space. Each Lightsource reacts to the magnitude of the impacts of other Figures. Lyrics taken from The Futurist Manifest(Written by the Italian Fascist Marinetti). Made with Make-Human, Unity-3D and Blender Blood Fish, 2m02s, 2017 Animated Short About A Kind Of Nervous Skeleton. Made with Adobe Ae, Unity-3D and Blender Die Kunst frisst Ihre Kinder nicht, 3m40s, 2016 watch me thinking really hard about the significance of Vases. an imaginary island surrounded by reality? sw_death_, 2m50s, 2015 A animated short based on a poem by Dylan Thomas.